The Curious Kat, a free monthly newsletter that seeks to connect us through art and creativity. Get behind-the-scenes stories about writing - and recommendations for books, art, movies & ideas - as well "Anatomy of a Novel," insights into the process of drafting novel #4. Check it out here.
All writers are a crazy mixture of egotistical, manic, single-minded, optimistic on the one hand and...
Are you finding it hard to write? We live in deeply unsettling times, and it's easy to get distracted by all that's going on in the world.
I'm amazed by writers who stop reading in their genre while writing their own books.
For those of you reading this who haven't yet published your first book, I'm sure you've dreamed about your book launch.
Last month, feeling unmoored and wanting to build community during self-isolation, I launched something I called #fivefreepages.
I sat down to write this post and have now written four openings and ditched them all.
Today, March 4, is the official Boston launch of my second novel, This Terrible Beauty.
How long does it really take to write a book? From beginning the first draft to seeing it on bookshelves?
Last year, I didn't make any New Year's resolutions.
In the past few years, I've done an enormous amount of editing.
The first time you publish a book, it’s a pretty surreal experience.
I write a lot, more true than this list even makes it sound, because so, so, SO much of my writing goes nowhere.
Stick to a daily word count. Take more writing classes. Write twenty more queries. Yada Yada.
It recently occurred to me that writing a first draft is not unlike revitalizing a room.
Last year, I was thinking a lot about this question as it relates to writing: When is it okay to give in and give up?
My blog posts below (published monthly by GrubStreet from 2015 - 2021) are geared toward helping writers understand the business. On Substack, I write What to Do After Attending a Writing Conference

Jun 02, 2021
Writers attending conferences tend to react to the experience in one of two ways: despair or elation.
Time to Snag an Agent

Mar 03, 2021
Agents are eager for good work they can sell (after all, that's how they make their living). But why, then, are they so incredibly hard to reach?
Can an Editor "Fix" Really Bad Writing?

Dec 02, 2020
Editors often see projects at radially different stages of development. Truthfully, we sometimes see writing that is really, well, bad.
Being a "Good Enough" Writer is a Brilliant Strategy

Oct 07, 2020
All writers are a crazy mixture of egotistical, manic, single-minded, optimistic on the one hand and...
Get Inspired: Time to Strategize for Writing Success

Sep 02, 2020
Are you finding it hard to write? We live in deeply unsettling times, and it's easy to get distracted by all that's going on in the world.
Reading Novels While Writing Novels: Yes or No?

Aug 05, 2020
I'm amazed by writers who stop reading in their genre while writing their own books.
Launching a Book During an Epidemic

Jun 03, 2020
For those of you reading this who haven't yet published your first book, I'm sure you've dreamed about your book launch.
What You Need to Nail in the First Pages of Your Book

May 06, 2020
Last month, feeling unmoored and wanting to build community during self-isolation, I launched something I called #fivefreepages.
What Writers Do in Times of Crisis

Apr 01, 2020
I sat down to write this post and have now written four openings and ditched them all.
Research While Writing: Handle With Care!

Mar 04, 2020
Today, March 4, is the official Boston launch of my second novel, This Terrible Beauty.
Is Productivity Always Good for Writers?

Feb 05, 2020
How long does it really take to write a book? From beginning the first draft to seeing it on bookshelves?
It's the New Year! Some Writerly Resolutions

Jan 01, 2020
Last year, I didn't make any New Year's resolutions.
What I Learned from Editing

Dec 04, 2019
In the past few years, I've done an enormous amount of editing.
Insider Advice from Newly Published Authors

Nov 06, 2019
The first time you publish a book, it’s a pretty surreal experience.
On the Virtues & Vices of Being a "Pantser" vs a "Plotter"
Oct 02, 2019
I write a lot, more true than this list even makes it sound, because so, so, SO much of my writing goes nowhere.
Ten Writing Rules That Will Improve Your Life

Sep 04, 2019
Stick to a daily word count. Take more writing classes. Write twenty more queries. Yada Yada.
How to Survive Writing a Book: The Rollercoaster of Engagement

Aug 07, 2019
It recently occurred to me that writing a first draft is not unlike revitalizing a room.
How to Know When to Quit Your Novel

Jul 03, 2019
Last year, I was thinking a lot about this question as it relates to writing: When is it okay to give in and give up?